City Cite - City immersion experience for secondary students


Pre-Program Learning Units

We can provide Schools who are coming to City Cite, with pre-program teaching and learning modules on our website (password protected). The units have detailed lesson plans and in some cases a PowerPoint or a recorded Screencast lesson. The aim of using these units is to prepare the students thoroughly for their Melbourne Experience so that when the students are at City Cite, they can focus on the city and concentrate on what can only be done while in the city.

Included are components such as – a Welcome Screencast with top-tips and advice on Navigating the website to access the extra resources for students and teachers.

Lesson plans with resources that can be delivered before attendance at City Cite are available via pass-worded access:

  • Basic geography, streets, and landmarks of Melbourne.
  • Using PTV safely (Metro presentation)
  • Effective online research
  • Interviews with experts
  • Creating Survey questions 
  • Photography techniques
  • Searching for credible sources online
  • Read, note take, paraphrase (reviewing literature)

Pre-Program Learning Units (Password protected)
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